Legal Analysis of Cookies and Tracking Scripts
We check the correctness of loading cookies files and the installation of tracking scripts, allowing you to legally analyze traffic on the site.
Consent Verification for Forms
We verify whether your forms collect all required consents, allowing you to avoid GDPR-related issues.
SEO Configuration Check
For each page, we analyze the correctness of SEO configuration to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
Site and Server Security Scan
We scan the site and server for security issues to minimize downtime when your site is not accessible.
Plugin Security Check
We check all plugins used on your site for security vulnerabilities and version updates.
Stress Testing
We conduct stress tests on the site to show how your site will handle large traffic surges from seasonal customers.
Competitor Topic Analysis
We examine the topics covered by your competitors so that you don't fall behind in terms of topical authority.
Keyword Gap Analysis
Using professional SEO tools, we check for unused keywords on your site that are used by competitors. This helps identify keyword gaps and optimize the content creation calendar.
User Path Verification
We verify user paths designed by other companies in your industry, providing information to help you explore new opportunities and avoid competing in saturated markets.
Google Tools Performance Testing
We test the site using Google's official tools (Page Speed Insight) to ensure your site ranks high in search results after implementing improvements.
Server Location Optimization
We check the physical location of servers hosting the site to minimize customer waiting time for content.
Responsive Design Consistency
On every available page, we check for consistency with a responsive approach to web design to ensure that none of your customers encounter content that does not load or a misbehaving contact form.
Presentation of Analysis Results
We present the results of the analysis in the form of a report, showcasing not only what went wrong but also what went well.
Actionable Recommendations
Identifying weaknesses alone won't solve problems, so we provide a list of actions to implement that will improve the site's performance.
Full-Service Option
Betterize also handles website creation, so if you choose, we can implement the improvements for you.
The key factors influencing the pricing are:
- number of pages to scan
- number of contact forms
- number of subpages
We cannot determine in advance how much the analysis of your website will cost because the price is influenced by various factors. Typically, it ranges from 2000 to 4000 PLN net. The price is determined by the number of forms available on the site and the number of pages to scan. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation. Based on that, we will prepare a detailed offer and estimate tailored to your website.
Improve your results with a modern website
Write to us and check, how we can make your online presence better